Taxpayer Savings

Taxpayer Savings Since 2009, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office has aggressively sought out grant funding opportunities to enhance operations at no additional costs to our residents.  A breakdown of funds are provided below.

We have also enacted a few new programs to generate funds to replenish the county's general fund. Two of those programs are the "Pay to Stay" Program and Electronic Monitored House Arrest. In both programs, the defendant is required to reimburse the county for the services provided. This includes inmate supplies, food, housing, medications etc. These fees are set by a schedule approved by the Sheriff as well as the Monroe County commissioners. Defendants who utilize the Electronic Monitored House Arrest system pay fees for the activation, installation and monitoring of the equipment. In years past, these fees were absorbed by the taxpayers. Sheriff Black feels that it is not the taxpayer's responsibility to fund these programs but to utilize these previously allocated tax dollars for more proactive and efficient law enforcement programs. 

As of April 2012, the following grants have been received by the Monroe County Sheriff:

$71,000 COPS Electronic Grant - funds were used to purchase laptop computers for patrol units as well as docking stations and internet cards for connectivity. Other items purchased were digital encryption for our radio system, mobile and portable radios, vehicle equipment and tracking software for our K9 unit, as well as digital cameras for scene investigations. 

$36,000 from Iye-Tek Corporation to design and implement a computerized Ohio Traffic Crash Report. This software was installed into patrol laptops enabling the officer to generate reports while maintaining maximum visibility. 

$10,000 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant: These funds were used to conduct investigations into illegal trafficking and possession of prescription drugs in Monroe County. 

$11,056.21 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant: This money was available to fund the Monroe county Major Crimes Task Force which incorporates officers from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Woodsfield Police Department and the Monroe county Prosecutor's Office to investigate major offenses in the county. 

$6,000 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant : Tactical equipment was purchased for new Colt M4 Patrol rifles from this grant.

$25,379 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant: This grant funded the upgrade of our radio system to digital capabilities.

$13,332 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant: Our entire computer system was upgraded with new workstations at each desk.

$11,111.11 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant: This funding was used to purchase new and update old crime scene investigation equipment for our newly acquired Crime Scene Unit. Specialized training for two officers will also be paid for from this fund. 

$8,817.05 Ohio Criminal Justice Grant is renewal funding for the Monroe County Major Crimes Task Force.

$8050 Bullet Proof Vest Fund: The total project cost to outfit each officers with new ballistic vests totaled $16,205.00     The remaining funds were received by donations from various county residents and a fundraiser. The taxpayer cost for the balance was $2,079.77

$6,138 DARE Grant is used to pay our DARE officer. In addition to these funds, the Switzerland of Ohio School District provides up to $20,000 for the same officer so he can assume the duties of school resource officer as well. 

$10,998.85 was generated from a surplus auction. Those proceeds were used to purchase Colt M4 Selct fire rifles for each partol officer. 

$67,655 Port Security Grant: This grant was used to purchase new radios for patrol officers. We upgraded our system to the Ohio MARCS system that enables statewide interoperability.

$54,461 Buckeye Hills Grant was used to purchase Tasers for patrol officers, the remaining needed radios for our MARCS system, along with the necessary repeaters and additional tactical equipment. 

As of April 2012, the Monroe County Sheriff has brought in $339,998.22 in outside funds to enhance operations in this office, that combined with the following revenue generated shows the total savings cost to the Monroe County tax payers since 2009 totals more than $516,927.72.  The "Pay to Stay" program has generated $8,186.00 since its creation. The Electronic Monitored House Arrest has generated $15,393.50 to date. This has saved us 3,067 days of housing inmates for a savings of $153,350.00.